
Neck Pain:

Neck Pain or Neck Discomfort

Neck problems mean any kind of pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel in your neck that may travel down to your arms too. This includes the bones or cervical spine in your neck region and the muscles around it.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please don't hesitate to contact us and book your appointment.

Here are 9 different types of Neck pain or discomfort and their potential causes:

  1. Dull and Achy Pain: Persistent or acute neck pain is a common symptom across these conditions, often described as aching, throbbing, or sharp discomfort in the neck region. Potential causes may include muscle strains, poor posture, or cervical spondylosis.

  2. Radiating Pain: For conditions like cervical herniation and radiculopathy, individuals may experience radiating pain that travels from the neck into the shoulder, arm, and sometimes the hand. The potential cause could be the compression of nerves in the cervical spine.

  3. Tingling and Numbness: Numbness or tingling sensations in the arm, hand, or fingers can be indicative of nerve involvement, particularly in cases of cervical herniation or radiculopathy. The potential cause might be pressure on the nerves, leading to altered sensations.

  4. Muscle Stiffness: Muscle stiffness in the neck and upper back is often associated with muscle pain and strain, as well as neck arthritis. It can result from muscle tension, overuse, or degenerative changes in the neck joints.

  5. Reduced Range of Motion: Individuals may notice limited ability to turn/move the head or neck comfortably. Potential causes could be joint dysfunction, muscle tightness, or underlying spinal conditions.

  6. Headaches: Some people with neck pain may experience tension-type headaches, which can result from muscle tension and strain. The potential cause may be daily stress and muscle tension and in the neck and upper back.

A man experiencing neck pain with radiating discomfort down his arm, illustrating possible symptoms of cervical radiculopathy or neck nerve compression.

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Here are the top 15 most common conditions that can cause neck pain:

Are you tired of dealing with persistent neck pain? Don’t let discomfort hold you back from the activities you love. At igood Health Centre, we specialize in providing expert chiropractic care and effective treatments to alleviate neck pain and discomfort.

really bad neck pain

Our experienced team of chiropractors understands the impact that neck pain can have on your daily life. Whether it’s due to muscle strain, cervical issues, or other factors, we’re here to help you find relief and regain your mobility.

  1. Muscle Strains: Overuse, poor posture, or sudden movements can cause strain and discomfort in neck muscles.

  2. Cervical Herniated Disc: When a disc in the neck’s spine ruptures or bulges, it can press on nerves and lead to neck pain.

  3. Cervical Radiculopathy: Compression or irritation of nerve roots in the neck can result in pain radiating down the arm.

  4. Cervical Spondylosis: Age-related wear and tear of the neck’s discs and joints can cause stiffness and pain.

  5. Whiplash: Often caused by car accidents, whiplash involves rapid neck movement that can lead to pain and muscle injuries.

  6. Neck Sprain: Stretching or tearing of neck ligaments due to sudden movements or trauma can result in pain.

  7. Text Neck: Neck pain arising from the prolonged use of smartphones or other devices with the head tilted forward.

  8. Osteoarthritis: Degeneration of the cartilage in neck joints can lead to arthritis-related neck pain.

  9. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Compression of nerves or blood vessels between the neck and shoulder can cause pain and numbness in the arm and hand.

  10. Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger points or muscle knots in the neck muscles can cause localized pain.

  11. Degenerative Disc Disease: The gradual deterioration of neck discs can lead to neck pain and reduced mobility.

  12. Torticollis (Wry Neck): Sudden and involuntary neck muscle contractions can result in the head being tilted to one side.

  13. Ankylosing Spondylitis: A chronic inflammatory condition affecting the spine, including the neck, leading to pain and stiffness.

  14. Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disease that can affect the neck’s joints and cause pain and inflammation.

  15. Stress-Related Neck Pain: Tension and stress can lead to muscle tightness and discomfort in the neck.


For detailed information about our chiropractic services or to book an appointment with one of Richmond Hill’s best chiropractors, feel free to contact igood Health Centre. We are dedicated to helping you achieve a happy and healthy life, free from pain and functional limitations. Let us guide you on your path to recovery and optimal health.

Please Call or Book Your Appointment Here:

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Dr. Ali Fizi​

DC. IMD. DHS., Doctor of Chiropractic

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