
Welcome to our Chiropractic journey

Discover our chiropractic solutions for headache and migraine, offering prevention, treatments, and natural remedies for enduring relief and comfort.


Provided by "igood" Chiropractic Care

Begin Your Journey to Optimal Health and Headache Relief


Time for Relief


headache and migrain under chiropractic care at igood.ca

Welcome to igood Health Centre, your trusted ally in the battle against headache and migraine. At our centre, we understand that headache and migraine are more than just a simple nuisance—they are complex neurological conditions that can significantly impact every aspect of your life. 

Here, by understanding the various types of headaches  and their causes, and implementing proven relief strategies, you can take significant steps towards living a headache-free life.

Don’t let headaches dictate your days; take control and embark on a journey toward lasting relief and improved well-being. Chiropractic care for typically involves spinal adjustments, manual manipulations, soft tissue therapies, and lifestyle recommendations. 

with Dr. Ali Fizi at igood Health Centre

10 Most Common Conditions Associated with Headache and Migraine

  1. Tension Headaches: Often caused by muscle tension and stress, leading to a dull, aching head pain. Often felt in the forehead, temples, or the back of the head and neck.

  2. Migraines: Characterized by severe, throbbing head pain, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound, which can affect one or both sides of the head and may include the entire head.

  3. Cluster Headaches: Intense, stabbing pain usually occurring on one side of the head, often around the eye. Typically occurring on one side of the head, often around the eye.

  4. Sinus Headaches: Resulting from sinus congestion and inflammation, causing pressure and pain in the forehead, cheeks, or nose due to sinus congestion and inflammation.

  5. Cervicogenic Headaches: Stemming from neck issues or cervical spine problems, leading to referred head pain. Often felt in the base of the skull and neck.

  6. Hormonal Headaches: Commonly associated with hormonal fluctuations in women, such as during menstruation or menopause. Often affecting both sides of the head.

  7. Chronic Daily Headaches: Frequent headaches occurring 15 or more days per month for several months. Affecting various parts of the head.

  8. Medication Overuse Headaches: Developing as a result of overusing pain-relief medications for headaches, causing rebound headaches, and result from overusing pain-relief medications.

  9. Exertion Headaches: Occurring during or after physical activity, especially strenuous exercise. Often affecting the front or sides of the head.

  10. Thunderclap Headaches: Sudden, severe headaches that reach maximum intensity within a minute, often requiring immediate medical attention. (Call 911)

Understanding the connection between detoxification and weight management is pivotal in navigating a healthier lifestyle. While detox diets alone are not a magic solution for weight loss, they play a supportive role in achieving your weight management goals. Detoxification can significantly enhance your metabolism and digestion by focusing on eliminating processed foods, cutting down on sugar intake, and increasing the consumption of whole, nutrient-rich foods. These improvements are essential for effectively managing weight, as they help your body optimize the way it processes and utilizes food. At igood Health Centre, we emphasize integrating detox practices into a broader, holistic approach to weight management. Find out how adopting these healthier eating habits can complement your fitness and weight loss plans, leading to more sustainable results and a revitalized sense of well-being. Join us in this journey to discover how a balanced detox can be a cornerstone in your path to managing weight effectively.

Identifying Your Headache Type: A Step-by-Step Guide


To accurately identify the type of headache you have, consider the following steps:

  1. Track Your Symptoms: Keep a detailed diary of your headaches, noting their frequency, duration, location of pain, intensity, and any accompanying symptoms such as nausea or sensitivity to light and sound.

  2. Observe Patterns and Triggers: Pay attention to potential triggers or patterns that precede your headaches. These could include stress, certain foods, weather changes, hormonal fluctuations, or lack of sleep.

  3. Consult a Healthcare Professional: Share your headache diary and observations with a healthcare provider, such as Dr. Ali Fizi at iGood Health Centre. A professional can help diagnose the type of headache based on your symptoms and medical history.

  4. Undergo Diagnostic Tests if Necessary: Sometimes, further tests may be recommended to rule out other conditions and confirm the headache type.

Remember, accurately identifying your headache type is crucial for effective treatment and relief.

Top Headache Relief Strategies: Natural and Effective Solutions

with Dr. Ali Fizi at igood Health Centre

frustrated Man for headachea and migraine . check igood.ca for relief

Stay Hydrated: Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration-related headaches.

Relaxation Techniques: Use yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises to reduce stress and alleviate headache symptoms.

Regular Sleep Patterns: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep nightly to avoid headaches caused by sleep disturbances.

Healthy Diet: Identify and avoid food triggers, focusing on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Regular Exercise: Engage in 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days to decrease headache frequency and severity.

Heat or Cold Packs: Apply to the neck or forehead for immediate tension headache relief; experiment to find what works best for you.

Caffeine & Alcohol: Manage intake to avoid triggering headaches.

Manage Screen Time: Take regular breaks and use ergonomic setups to prevent eye strain and related headaches.

Check Dr. Ali Fizi Reviews,  All Shine with 5 Golden Stars

Say Goodbye to Headaches: with Dr. Ali Fizi

If you’re experiencing frequent or severe headaches, it’s essential to seek professional help to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. 

At igood Health Centre, Dr. Ali Fizi utilizes a comprehensive approach to diagnose and treat various headache disorders. 


best Headache and migraine Relief doctor at igood health centre in Richmond Hill and Markham

Other Chiropractic Services:

Don’t let pain hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a pain-free, active lifestyle by booking your appointment today.

Discover our chiropractic services tailored for your health, from acute, and chronic pain relief to enhancing well-being. Explore and book now.

Any pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel in your neck may also travel down to your arms or hands. This includes the muscles, ligaments, tendons or cervical spine in your neck region.

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pain or discomfort in the shoulder region that may radiate down to your arms or hands, complicating your ability to move freely and comfortably. Chiropractic care offers a comprehensive approach to alleviating this pain, focusing on the root causes and providing tailored treatments that may include adjustments, manual therapy, and specific exercises. 

Any pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel in your Back that may also travel down to your legs or feet. This includes the muscles, ligaments, tendons or spine in your back region.

Any pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel in your elbow that may also travel down to your hands. This includes the muscles, ligaments, tendons or bones in your arm or forearm region.

Any pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel in your knee that may also travel down to your feet. This includes the muscles, ligaments, tendons or bones in yourupper or lower legs region.

Any pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel in your Wrist that may also travel down to your palmof your hands or fingers. This includes the muscles, ligaments, tendons or bones in your wrist or hand region.

Any pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel in your Ankle or foot that may also travel down to the buttom of your foot or your toes. This includes the muscles, ligaments, tendons or bones in your ankle or foot region.

Any pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel in your between your spine's bones or sciatica pain originating in the buttock area that may also travel down to your legs or feet and related to your disc. This includes the muscles, ligaments, tendons or spine in your back region.

Any pain, soreness, or discomfort you feel to any Sports Injury. This includes the muscles, ligaments, tendons or spine in your entire body

Book Your Appointment with Dr. Fizi

Initiate Your Path to Health at igood Health Centre:
Engage with our Chiropractic initiative by scheduling a 15-minute free consultation with Dr. Fizi, our best Chiropractor at igood Health Centre.

At igood Health Centre, we prioritize your well-being, dedicating ourselves to assisting you in achieving optimal health and vitality.

ec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Dr ANita Moosavi

ND. MD (Iran), Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Ali Fizi​, Chiropractor and the owner of igood Health Centre

Dr. Ali Fizi

DC. IMD. DHS., Doctor of Chiropractic

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